Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Because the first time is always special, amirite?

So it was only when the alarm clock on my cell rang, notifying me that I should be heading out to training soon, that I realized I'd spent the better part of this day working on this blog.  A bit too much, apparently.

Oh, setting it up and all that was simple enough....although trying to be somewhat creative with the title did, admittedly, take a little bit of time (and even then, I know I've read way better ones)...but the real challenge came in making it look -good-. I'll have to just blame some form of OCD on that - getting the right sort of colour scheme down, the right looking just has to look good. That's always the hard part. Not the reading of assignments and writing out a reflection on it - it's making this thing look good that's hard. But I'm not much of a blogger to begin with; never saw a reason to do it, personally, and never really spent my time looking up other ones.

So it'll be an interesting experience for sure, figuring out how this all works (HTML being my achille's heel doesn't make it any easier), while implementing it to help myself, and hopefully others, learn about a pretty interesting and, in my opinion, little studied subject.

Coming from a family of Muslims, I suppose I've taken for granted what I know about this religion - most of what I know is what I experienced growing up, or saw in very largely 'Muslim-based' communities (having spent my high school years living abroad, in the Middle East). To be honest, I never really gave much thought about Islam being in far east Asia, China or elsewhere in that region. I guess I'm guilty of generalizing when I admit that I had a very set-definition of Islam being a 'Middle Eastern' tradition, and associating it with Arabian and South Asian cultures. I guess that's just because I was raised in those sort of communities and never had much exposure to Muslims who weren't either Arabs or South Asians. A silly generalization, I know, but that's the great thing about courses like RLG356 - we learn new things, practical things even, and incorporate them into our mindset and world view. So hey, I guess that tuition money is paying off already!

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